Sundays at 6:00PM
6th-12th Grade Students
What We’re About
IBC Youth exist to Love God Together, to Invest in Each Other, to Find a Place to Serve (in their church and community), and to Enlarge God’s Kingdom! We meet Sunday evenings for games, worship, fellowship, and Bible study.
Bible Study
We are currently in a 10 part series called “Gospel Foundations.” In this series we will learn about God’s grace and redemption for sinners through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
Upcoming Events
(Click here for more info or to RSVP for any event)
Evening of Fun – March 25th
The youth are invited to an evening of fun, food, and fellowship on Tuesday, March 25th, 5pm-7:30pm at Idyllwild Pines. Dinner will be provided. This cost for this event is $20 per person and it is open to all youth 6th-12th grade so remember to invite a friend!
Movie Night – April 22nd
Come join us in the IBC sanctuary for a movie, pizza, and popcorn 6pm-8pm! This is a free event and is open to all youth 6th-12th grade so remember to invite a friend!
Camp Maranatha BBQ – May 18th
We will be meeting at Camp Maranatha (5:30-8:30pm) for a BBQ, games, and worship. Bring a swimsuit, towel, and a change of clothes. This is a free event and is open to all youth 6th-12th grade (those finishing up 5th grade and going into 6th grade are invited as well!)so remember to invite a friend!
Hume So Cal Summer Camp (Middle School) – June 8th-14th
Hume So Cal summer camp for 6th-8th grades. The cost is $930 per student. Let us know if you would like more information on camp, fund raising opportunities, and/or camperships.
Hume Lake Summer Camp (High School) – June 15th-21st
Hume Lake summer camp for 9th-12th grades. The cost is $930 per student. Let us know if you would like more information on camp, fund raising opportunities, and/or camperships.
Beach Day – August 5th
All youth, 6th-12th grade, are invited to our annual IBC Youth Beach Day! We will meet at the church at 8:30am and spend the day at Oceanside Harbor. Bring a towel, sun screen, games, sack lunch, and money for dinner. We will stop in Temecula for dinner and be back to the church around 6pm. Remember to invite a friend!